Protejez ceea ce este mai important

18 dec. 2011

COMET LOVEJOY SURVIVES: Incredibly, sungrazing Comet Lovejoy has survived its close encounter with the sun. Lovejoy flew only 140,000 km over the stellar surface during the early hours of Dec. 16th. Experts expected the icy sundiver to be destroyed. Instead, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught the comet emerging from perihelion (closest approach) apparently intact:

comentariu OctogonX ciudat totusi o asa distanta ....normal ar fi fost ....fie sa se dezintegreze ....fie fie atrasa de forta gravitationala a soarelui si totusi ....a trecut fara sa se intample nimic ba chiar ii dispare coada reapare dupa ce se departeaza de soare..... prea multe chestii ciudata in universul asta ...ADEVARUL oare nu ni-l spune nimeni ?? trebuie sa-l descoperim singuri ?

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